Pohakuloa Picket

Pohakuloa Picket

Military/Politicians/Business interests meet

(Peace groups, Kanaka Maoli organizations, environmental groups, community associations, etc. NOT INVITED!)

Democracy by Invitation Only!

Wednesdy, Feb. 24th

8:30AM Pohakuloa Training Area (PTA)

Main Gate

(car pools leave Hilo bayfront parking lot makai/Hamakua side of Pauahi St. Kamehameha Ave. intersection at 7:30 sharp)

What’s the Army afraid of?

Is it citizen participation in government?

Is it because we might object to military expansion plans on Hawaii Island, continued live-fire amid DU radiation contamination at PTA, new fast-track military superferry plans?

Why hasn’t the Army stopped all live-fire, B-2 bombing missions and other activities that create dust until there is a complete assessment and clean-up of the DU already present as called for in County of Hawaii resolution 639-08? The NRC has not signed off on radiation at PTA.

When will all of the 50-plus present and former military sites, totaling more than 250,000-acres on Hawaii Island, be cleared of unexploded ordnance, toxins, and other hazards?

We Demand Military Clean-up NOT Build-up!

Stop the Wars! Fund Human needs!

We demand an immediate end to all US imperial wars of aggression and occupation, including the ongoing illegal occupation of the independent nation of Hawaii.

Contact: Malu `Aina Center for Non-violent Education & Action P.O. Box AB Kurtistown, Hawai`i 96760.

Phone (808) 966-7622. Email ja@interpac.net http://www.malu-aina.org

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