Mahalo to Jim Albertini of Malu ʻAina:
Two Important Meetings Coming Up!
Published by jalbertini on November 2nd, 2011 in Hawaii Independence, Military, Public Events, Radiation, Social Justice, Take Action!.
FYI Important meetings coming up:
#1. DLNR & Senate people
#2. EIS Pohakuloa expansion . See below for detailsOpportunity to talk about need for comprehensive testing and monitoring at Pohakuloa for DU radiation contamination, Mauna Kea, etc
Hilo, Waimea and Kona meetings (see below)SENATE COMMITTEE ON WATER, LAND AND HOUSING HOSTING
DLNR LISTENING SESSIONS ON HAWAI‘I ISLANDHILO—The Senate Committee on Water, Land and Housing (WLH) Chair Senator Donovan M. Dela Cruz and Vice Chair Senator Malama Solomon in partnership with Senator Gilbert Kahele are hosting the Department of Land and Natural Resources’ (DLNR) Hawai‘i Island Listening Sessions on Friday, November 4 and Saturday, November 5, 2011. The DLNR Administration team, including Chairperson William J. Aila, Jr., First Deputy Guy H. Kaulukukui, and Water Deputy Bill M. Tam from Honolulu, is visiting Hawai‘i Island to hear community comments, questions, and concerns regarding topics under the Department’s jurisdiction. This is part of a series of DLNR Listening Sessions to be conducted statewide.
“The meetings and site visits that DLNR has been conducting on the neighbor islands have been very successful in helping Senators address community concerns and needs,” said Senator Donovan M. Dela Cruz, who has been attending the talk story sessions.
“Having Chair William Aila and his team visit the Big Island is a great opportunity for them to listen to residents and to see for themselves the pressing needs of our community,” said Senator Malama Solomon, who represents District 1, which encompasses Waimea, Hāmākua, North Hilo, Keaukaha, and Hilo.
“I look forward to continuing the conversation with Chair William Aila and his DLNR team about finding a solution to the problem the axis deer is posing on the Big Island’s agricultural industry,” said Senator Gilbert Kahele, who represents District 2, encompassing Ka‘ū, Puna and Hilo.
“These listening sessions are purely for the Department to visit with communities and receive feedback on the communities’ ideas and concerns relating to the Department’s responsibilities,” said William J. Aila, Jr., Chairperson of DLNR. “Community participation is essential to caring for our land and natural resources in Hawai‘i.”
The DLNR is responsible for managing 1.3 million acres of state land, 3 million acres of state ocean waters, 2 million acres of conservation district lands, our drinking water supply, our fisheries, coral reefs, indigenous and endangered flora and fauna, and all of Hawai‘i’s historic and cultural sites. DLNR’s management responsibilities are vast and complex, from the mountaintops to three miles seaward of our beautiful coasts. The health of Hawai‘i’s environment is integral and directly related to its economy and quality of life.
For more information on DLNR and its divisions, visit
If you are unable to attend but would like to send your comments, questions, and concerns to the DLNR, please e-mail:
Hawai’i Island Public Listening Sessions
Hilo Listening Session
Hosted by Senators Donovan M. Dela Cruz, Malama Solomon and Gilbert Kahele
Friday, November 4, 2011
5 p.m. – 7 p.m.
Waiakea High School Cafeteria
155 West Kawili Street, Hilo, Hawai‘i 96720Waimea Listening Session
Hosted by Senator Malama Solomon
Saturday, November 5, 2011
10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Waimea Middle Public Conversion Charter School
67-1229 Mamalahoa Highway, Kamuela, Hawai‘i 96743Kona Listening Session
Hosted by DLNR
Saturday, November 5, 2011
3:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Konawaena High School Cafeteria
81-1043 Konawaena School Road, Kealakekua, Hawai‘i 96750Individuals requiring special assistance or accommodations are asked to contact the office of Senator Malama Solomon at (808) 586-7335 or 974-4000 Ext. 67335 toll free from the Neighbor Islands at least four days in advance of the meeting.
###Army EIS hearings on Pohakuloa Expansion
6:30-9:30PMTuesday, Nov. 8th Aunty Sally’s Luau Hale in Hilo 799 Piilani St.
Wednesday, Nov. 9th Waimea Elementary School cafeteria -67-1225 Mamalahoa HighwayIf can’t attend. send testimony by Nov. 30 to or by fax to (808) 545-6808, or mail to PTA PEIS PO Box 514, Honolulu, HI 96809
–Jim Albertini