“We don’t hide the fact that it could help build an anti-satellite weapon”


Weapon of Mass Diffraction

Sure, it looks like the giant death ray from Goldeneye. And sure, the same technology could someday help blast satellites out of orbit. But for now, the US Air Force’s Starfire Optical Range, perched on a hill in the New Mexico desert, is just trying to take some good pictures. Really.

Hot and cold pockets of air change the speed of light as it moves through the atmosphere. That makes stars appear to twinkle and creates a major challenge for researchers trying to get a clear view of objects in space. Starfire’s answer: Shoot a laser 56 miles into the mesosphere and measure the distortion. Then adjust the laser’s mirrors until the beam is back in focus. Whatever optical tweaks correct the beam will also focus a telescope.

The images from Starfire are 40 times sharper than uncorrected pics. Today, that aids astronomers; tomorrow, maybe generals. “We don’t hide the fact that it could help build an anti-satellite weapon,” says Colonel Gregory Vansuch, chief of the installation, “if you choose to do it.” Not that there are any plans for one – both the technology and the politics of space weapons are tricky. But if the military constructs Starfire II inside an extinct volcano, we’ll let you know.

Death Rays by the Numbers

Nonclassified satellites in orbit: 813

Countries that operate satellites: 41

Distance to low Earth orbit: 99 miles

Range of an anti-sat laser: 260 miles

Strength of the Death Star: 1,000 ships, with more firepower than Han Solo has ever seen

– Noah Shachtman

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